
Security of funds and user information is our top priority. Our security team constantly improves our comprehensive security measures, improves audit processes, and reduces the “attack surface” of our infrastructure. Please, note that we cannot disclose too many details about the security measures implemented on the platform for security and personal reasons.


We work daily to improve the methods of protecting your data and funds, checking all suspicious activity. But it is vital that you still take care of the security of your data, so we recommend that you turn on 2FA protection and carefully check the addresses of the websites you visit. Be sure to check that you are visiting; we have no subdomains or extra characters after the dot. Similar sites are created to steal your access credentials. To avoid this, check the site address and enable 2FA.

You can enable two-factor protection as an additional protective barrier to your account.


We constantly check all the withdrawals and activity of your account to detect and stop suspicious activity. You can also restrict the withdrawal of funds from your account to certain IP addresses by adding them to the whitelist.

Cold wallets

Most of your funds are stored in offline (cold) wallets. Only a small part of it is accessible from the platform; hence all your funds are completely safe. As additional protection, cold wallets are not available from the platform or the platform's servers. Offline storage facilities require manual intervention from several members of our management team.


Almost every hour, our system constantly saves all active transactions and a full backup of the system. Backups are stored on different servers.

Protection against DDOS attacks

Our site is protected from DDOS by a robust system and continuously checks users. This ensures that external attacks cannot stop trading.