In order to open an account on the FYBIT trading platform, click on the [Sign Up] button and enter your personal information.
In order to enable two-factor authentication, click on the [Account] tab and then select [Account Security] section.
You can enable/disable two-factor authentication usage when you login to your account or when you withdraw funds in the [Account Security Setting] section.
In order to make a deposit, click on the [Deposit/Withdrawal] tab. Then select the cryptocurrency you want to add to your balance. FYBIT accepts deposits in Bitcoin on the Bitcoin network (BTC), Ethereum and USDT on the Ethereum network (ERC-20). Once you select a cryptocurrency, you will see a unique deposit address to which you can send funds.
To place an Up/ Down order:
  1. Choose a Market or Limit;
  2. Enter an amount within the available balance in your wallet;
  3. Enter the Stop-loss price (optional);
  4. Choose a leverage size;
  5. If you have chosen a Limit, enter the desired order execution price;
  6. If you select a Market, you won't be asked to enter the desired execution price, since the order will be executed at the market price;
  7. Once you click on either the [Buy] Up or Down buttons, your order will be placed.
In order to close a position at the market price, click on the [SELL Market] button in the trading terminal. If you want to close a position at a specific price, select [SELL Limit] or [Stop Loss] in the trading terminal and enter the desired price at which you want to close a position. Also, you can enable the auto-sell option. When the profit at the average price of a position will reach 100%, this position will be sold at the market price by an auto-sale system. The auto-sale function can be turned on/off on the right of the [Chart] page. You can choose between 100%, 200%, and 300%. This feature is useful for responding effectively to rapid price changes on the market or for planned sales.
To make a withdrawal, click on the [Deposit/Withdrawal] tab and then go to the [Withdrawal] section. Withdrawals are possible in Bitcoin, Ethereum (ERC-20) and USDT (ERC-20). Bitcoin withdrawals occur only on the Bitcoin (BTC) network. Withdrawal of Ethereum (ETH) and USDT occurs only on the Ethereum network (ERC-20). Usually withdrawal occurs within 5-10 minutes, but in some cases, withdrawal can take up to 24 hours.