In order to open an account on the FYBIT trading platform, click on the [Sign Up] button and enter your personal information.
In order to enable two-factor authentication, click on the [Account] tab and then select [Account Security] section.
You can enable/disable two-factor authentication usage when you login to your account or when you withdraw funds in the [Account Security Setting] section.
In order to make a deposit, click on the [Deposit/Withdrawal] tab. After you choose the method of deposit, you will see a unique address of the coin's deposit, to which you can send Bitcoins. FYBIT accepts deposits only in Bitcoins.
FYBIT accepts deposits only in Bitcoins. If you would like to trade other coins, you can convert your BTC to any other coin available on our platform. Click on the [Deposit / Withdrawal] tab and then select the [Conversion] section.
To place an Up/ Down order:
  1. Choose a Market or Limit;
  2. Enter an amount within the available balance in your wallet;
  3. Enter the Stop-loss price (optional);
  4. Choose a leverage size;
  5. If you have chosen a Limit, enter the desired order execution price;
  6. If you select a Market, you won't be asked to enter the desired execution price, since the order will be executed at the market price;
  7. Once you click on either the [Buy] Up or Down buttons, your order will be placed.
In order to close a position at the market price, click on the [SELL Market] button in the trading terminal. If you want to close a position at a specific price, select [SELL Limit] or [Stop Loss] in the trading terminal and enter the desired price at which you want to close a position. Also, you can enable the auto-sell option. When the profit at the average price of a position will reach 100%, this position will be sold at the market price by an auto-sale system. The auto-sale function can be turned on/off on the right of the [Chart] page. You can choose between 100%, 200%, and 300%. This feature is useful for responding effectively to rapid price changes on the market or for planned sales.
To make a withdrawal, click on the [Deposit/Withdrawal] tab and then go to the [Withdrawal] section. Withdrawals can only be made in Bitcoins.